Moving Tips
Make a list
​Say goodbye to unused stuff
get sturdy packing materials ask us about packing services
schedule a free in-home visit
when in doubt, feel free to ask questions
Create an inventory of your belongings
Be mindful of your item's conditions
Have everything packed securely- loose items can get lost or broken easily
have clear labeled boxes so the movers know where to place your items if you have to step away for any reason
Pare down your items
This is a great opportunity to gift 0or donate your unwanted items
Ask us about or donation run or junk removal services
Place all unwanted or unused items in one area clear of all pathways
clearly label the unwanted/ unused items to avoid possible mistakes of loading the items
First things first, start packing as early as possible
This lowers the crunch you'll be in as your move approaches
Begin with items you don't really need or use often
Be mindful of your item's conditions
Have everything packed securely- loose items can get lost or broken easily
numbered or color coordinated labels usually help with placement
Ask us about our additional packing services
Books should always go in small boxes
Schedule a free in-home Visit
Why? because we would love to meet you and see what we're moving with
Be mindful of your item's conditions
Ensure you will have everything packed securely- loose items can get lost or broken easily
Ensure you have clearly labeled boxes so the movers know where to place your items if you have to step away for any reason
Check out any possible pathways
Confirm any large/ bulky awkward sized furniture or equipment
All of this will help ensure we have the correct sized moving vehicle and tools to help aid your moving needs